The basic principles for attaching dried pressed plant specimens to a mounting medium have not changed significantly since the 16th century when the first specimens were made. However, a wide range of variations in the practice of plant mounting can be seen today. Based on a survey, the three most common methods are totally adhered, partially adhered and strapped. We evaluated the robustness and efficiency of these approaches, alongside the un-mounted approach, by sending a set of test specimens of vascular plants (seed plants and ferns) on loan to expose them to mechanical risks and recording both failures of the mounting technique and damage to the specimen. In light of the results of this study, we analyzed their stability and suitability for maintaining the material useful for yet
unforeseen studies (which can go beyond genetic studies). The present study can help towards determining what might be considered best practices (approach) to mount dried plant specimens, aiming to use a less/or a non-invasive mounting technique
Journal Article
Herbarium specimens: is there a best approach to mount dried plant specimens?Journal of Natural Science Collections, Volume 13, pages 42 - 53